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How does Rillsoft Project support you in capacity planning?

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How does Rillsoft Project support you in capacity planning?

Project Management Software

You need to know exactly what resource capacities are available to you, how much capacity is currently being used and whether there are any free capacities. This is necessary to react flexibly to changes in market demand and to use resources more efficiently.

Rillsoft Project offers you comprehensive functionality for capacity planning and resource management. This includes:

Resource Management: Rillsoft Project allows you to define and allocate resources (e.g. employees along with their professional qualifications, material, equipment). The software shows how much time each resource requires for various tasks and which resources are or may be overloaded.Rillsoft Project allows you to define and assign resources (e.g. employees along with their professional qualifications, material, equipment). The software shows how much time each resource requires for various tasks and which resources are or may be overloaded.

Capacity planning: Rillsoft Project allows you to create a capacity plan for each resource and visualize it using a capacity view. In this way, you can make sure whether each resource has enough time to complete its tasks and whether some resource has been overloaded.

Resource optimization: Rillsoft Project also provides functions for optimizing resource usage. For example, you can increase the capacity of available resources or reschedule resources to eliminate bottlenecks and ensure that the project deadline is met.

Views and reports: Rillsoft Project also provides reports and dashboards that give you an overview of capacity utilization. This allows you to quickly see which resources are over- or under-utilized and which resources are needed for which tasks.