Multi-project management software

Usually, resources in companies are used in parallel in several projects. A cross-project recording and representation of projects and company resources is the basis for multi-project management. With Rillsoft Project, you can display and analyze several projects in parallel. In addition, the overall resource utilization can be evaluated and optimized.
In the project portfolio, Rillsoft Project makes it possible to jointly display and analyze any selected projects that use an identical resource pool.
Project prioritization serves as the basis for capacity balancing of resources in the project portfolio. Category and status are freely definable and allow the projects in the project portfolio to be sorted and grouped as desired.
In the project portfolio, all activities can be performed as in the individual projects:
- Scheduling for all projects in the portfolio
- Capacity planning taking into account the use of resources in other projects
- You achieve the best possible utilization of all resources
In a target/actual comparison in the portfolio, each project is compared with its own baseline plan defined in the respective project.
Target/actual comparison in multi-project management software enables reconciliation and analysis of planned project goals, resource usage and progress against actual results and developments.
Multi-project management software enables comprehensive cross-project resource planning to efficiently allocate, monitor and optimize resources across multiple projects.