Multi-project management in SMEs

What distinguishes SME software landscape?
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often have a different software landscape than large enterprises because they typically have limited resources and their business processes are simpler. Here are some characteristics that typically distinguish the SMB software landscape:
Simple and user-friendly software: SMEs typically do not have the resources to implement and maintain complex software. For this reason, they often rely on simpler and more user-friendly software solutions that are easy to use.
Cloud-based software: Since SMEs often do not have their own IT infrastructure, they often rely on cloud-based software solutions that allow them to quickly and easily access the software they need without having to worry about maintaining and updating the systems.
Modular built software: SMEs often only need certain functions and features to support them in their daily work. For this reason, they often rely on modular software solutions that allow them to use only the functions they really need.
Flexible and adaptable software: SMEs often need software that can be quickly adapted to new requirements and business processes. For this reason, they often rely on flexible and customizable software solutions that allow them to quickly and easily adapt their software to their needs.
Cost-efficient software: SMEs often have limited budgets for software investments. For this reason, they often rely on cost-effective software solutions that allow them to efficiently support their business processes without breaking their budget.
Mobile Software: Since SMEs often work on the move and need to be flexible, they often rely on mobile software solutions that enable them to access their data and get their work done from anywhere.
Integration-capable software: SMEs often go for software solutions that can be seamlessly integrated into their existing software landscape. For this reason, they often rely on integration-capable software solutions that enable them to expand and improve their existing systems without having to implement new systems.
Rillsoft Project as multi-project management software for SMEs
There are several multi-project management software tools on the market that are specifically suited for SMEs and offer efficient resource planning and project portfolios.
You need to know exactly what resource capacities are available to you, how much capacity is currently being used and whether there are any free capacities. This is necessary to react flexibly to changes in market demand and to use resources more efficiently.
Rillsoft Project offers you comprehensive functionality in the multi-project environment for capacity planning and resource management. This includes:
Resource Management: Rillsoft Project allows you to define and allocate resources (e.g. employees including their professional qualifications, material, equipment). The software shows how much time each resource needs for various tasks and which resources may be or are overloaded.
Capacity planning: Rillsoft Project allows you to create a capacity plan for each resource and visualize it using a capacity view. In this way, you can make sure whether each resource has enough time to complete its tasks and whether some resources have been overloaded.
Resource optimization: Rillsoft Project also offers functions for optimizing resource usage. For example, you can increase the capacity of available resources or reschedule resources to eliminate bottlenecks and ensure that project deadlines can be met.
Views and Reports: numerous views and reports help you keep track of resources, schedules, budgets and progress on multiple projects simultaneously. Rillsoft Project also provides an overview of resource allocation so that you can make informed decisions about how to distribute resources among projects.