At the capacity view two values resource utilization are displayed

In Rillsoft Project, the professional skills of each employee are recorded in the resource pool and then matched with the requirements of the project tasks. In the next step, the personnel resources are proposed for the project tasks according to their professional qualifications and taking into account their working and non-working hours. An overview of this interactive distribution is provided by the Personnel capacity view.
In the older Rillsoft Project versions, only the average resource shortage per time unit was displayed as a resource requirement value in the diagram area, e.g. if two person-days were missing in a calendar week and the one person-day was still left over, then the resulting resource requirement value -2 + 1 = -1 person-day was displayed for the entire calendar week.
As of Rillsoft Project 9.0, the two values of the resource utilization may be present under the resource requirement, namely the maximum resource shortage and the average resource coverage per time unit. Thus, in the above example, it is then -2/+1 person-days for a calendar week to see.