Dynamically allocate personnel resources

Resource allocation is an important aspect in the planning and execution of projects. Even the older versions of Rillsoft Project filtered the resource pool during scheduling according to employees who have the required professional skills for the project. At the same time, it is checked whether these selected personnel resources are available during the defined period, especially whether they have non-working days.
The new option Distribute effort dynamically allows reducing the task duration especially in case of non-working days. It not only analyzes the professional skills and knowledge of each employee and matches them with the requirements of the tasks, but also takes into account the workload and available capacities of the employees in order to avoid the bottlenecks and overloads.
This feature allows you to distribute the effort for an operation among several employees with the same professional skills, but different readiness or productivity, in order to minimize the operation time. The workload, the available capacities of the employees and their days off are taken into account in order to use the personnel resources effectively and optimally.
Two variants are available here.
You can either set this option for the whole project in Project properties via checkbox Distribute personnel effort dynamically.
If you only want to distribute the effort dynamically for one activity, you can set this up in activity properties on the “Personnel” tab via checkbox Distribute effort dynamically.